somebody captured us. and yes, connecticut sounds lovely in the dead of winter coachOctober 29, 2014recording, video, connecticut, winter, tour Comment
pirates are awesome. so are elderberries. and puppets. coachAugust 19, 2014elderberry festival, second wind, the station, norm's farmComment
our friend alicia took some snaps of us. yar. coachAugust 1, 2014alicia best, the station, devo, the grand shell game, carrboroComment
thank you to all, and to Mystery Brewing, as july turns to august coachJuly 26, 2014mystery brewing, spencer scholes, the commanderrs, mysti mayhem, the oblations, adrian krygowski, cru wine bar, blackbeard, pirate invasion, beaufortComment
there are now words on this page. and a couple new dates. coachJuly 17, 2014elderberry festival, mystery brewing, hillsborough, the station, carrboro, words, stuff, thingsComment