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news of the grand shell game

what. a. September. see the finale at Carrboro Music Fest tonight @ 6pm

hello. we hope you are wonderful as we turn the corner towards fall. for those of us in the hallowed humidity of the southeast, it's a welcome change (but we will miss our summer). here's to change, and to cool breezes, and to that crisp smell in the air that fortells the quiet period before our world blooms again. 

these past few weeks have been spectacular. special thanks to Local Band Local Beer, Beaufort Wine and Food, and The Pour House Music Hall for hosting us this week. also big thanks to Wayne Bledsoe, WDVX and Barley's Taproom in Knoxville, and we would remiss if we didn't go into some detail on the amazing Bristol Rhythm and Roots festival.

to be honest? it was all the we could have hoped, one of the most unique festivals in the country and one near and dear to our hearts. we got to see a bunch of old friends including Annabelle's Curse, Jill Andrews, Ancient Cities, Kodiak Brotherhood, and the Josh Daniels/Mark Schimick project. after all was said and done, Bristol Brewery hosted us in style on the closing night for an afterparty where we were able to connect with our new friends Scythian. if you do not know of them, they create an infectious fusion of Irish, Eastern European, American and "other" music, and their shows are a delight. at Rhythm and Roots they had, literally, thousands of people dancing and clapping for their entire set. all told, it's an amazing weekend. go ahead and reserve your hotel for next year, 3rd weekend in September. it's a cheap ticket (the hotel room is the most expensive part by far), it's a non-profit organization, and it's one of the best places to discover on the rise acts like the amazing Ametheyst Kiah (perhaps collectively our favorite new find of the weekend). 

tonight we close out our touring season with a hometown show at Carrboro Music Festival with so many of our friends in the local music community. we close out the Weaver Street Market stage at 6pm and it should be a crazy scene. we hope you join us, we'll be going underground to record our LP as we head into October and it may be a little while before we poke our heads back out. 

much love to you all, and thanks for all the support you have shown us with the release of man on a wire. it's been a great journey so far and we look forward to what lies ahead.